Small Dogs That Can Be Left Alone All Day

Top 12 Small Dogs That Can Be Left Alone All Day

Dogs enjoy spending time with their families and enjoying games. As a dog owner, you know one of the finest emotions is coming home to see your dog waiting for you with their tail wagging. We’d all like to spend the entire day at home with our dogs. However, some of us are required to work or attend school. So, you need to aware of dogs that can be left alone.

Leaving dog home alone while at work is an important thing to be aware of. Some breeds are able to function without constant care or simply appreciate some alone time. Whatever the situation may be, these are the 12 tiny dog breeds you may leave at home while you’re at work for eight hours or more. So, you can call them independent small dog breeds.


Based on their silky, downy-soft coats, you’d think Maltese were high-maintenance dogs who required constant attention. However, because most Maltese have placid personalities, your tiny companion will most likely be pleased to stay at home for up to eight hours while you’re gone.

Maltese also make excellent house sitters since they get along well with other animals, including cats. As a result, you can leave them with your other pets without worrying about sibling rivalry.

dogs that can be left alone - Maltese

French Bulldog

According to the American Kennel Club, the French Bulldog was bred for city life, which means they don’t need much exercise. They’re also quieter, so they won’t bark while you’re gone, causing your neighbors to be disturbed. That said, like most dogs on this list, they are companion dogs. If you’re gone for 6-8 hours a day for work, they’ll likely be fine.

Overall, the French Bulldog is a sweet, affectionate dog that makes a great pet for any family. The French Bulldog can get along with other dogs with proper socialization, but they should not be around little children because they do not accept rough play.

Boston Terrier

One of the best dogs that can be left alone. Although the well-behaved Boston Terrier prefers to be with their owners and enjoys human company in general, if you must leave them for a few hours, they will stay without love.

How to leave dog alone for 12 hours? A Boston may normally be left home alone for up to 12 hours if they’ve been adequately trained and have everything, they need to be comfortable. So, it is possible leaving dog home alone overnight if you choose a Boston Terrier.

Lhasa Apso

Can a dog be left alone for 8 hours? Yes, Lhasa Apso can. The self-sufficient attitude of the Lhasa Apso may be traced back to its origins in Tibet’s palaces and monasteries, where they were praised for their ability as watchdogs. So, once they’ve thrown a few toys about, eaten lunch, and had a nap or two, they’ll probably be pleased to stay guard until you return.

Most Lhasas are fine with being left alone for up to eight hours. If your Lhasa develops separation anxiety, making sure your companion gets some activity before you leave is a good method to alleviate it. Lhasas are easily exhausted, so a short walk or play session should suffice.

dog breeds you may leave at home - Lhasa Apso

Italian Greyhound

Another perfect dog that can be left alone. The Italian Greyhound is recognized for being a quick tiny dog. These little dogs, on the other hand, are quite content to spend the entire day on the couch. They don’t bark often, like to sleep, and don’t shed much. However, they do require occasions to stretch their legs and run. You must ensure that they get enough exercise.

dog breeds you may leave at home - Italian Greyhound

Basset Hound

Basset Hounds, one of the most popular hound dogs, are lovely friends for pet owners all over the world. They’re well-known for their obstinacy.

This dog, which is known for being a sluggish breed, should be taken on regular walks and given free rein in a safe fenced-in area when you have time for them after leaving them alone for a few hours. Before leaving dog home alone while at work, the dog should be well trained for the task. So, Basset Hound dog can be kept at home without any trouble by training it well.

independent small dog breeds - Basset Hound


Chihuahuas have a distinct personality and can be a loving and loyal companion dog. Chihuahuas have a hidden talent. They’ll be fine without us, at least for the time being. The first stage in preparing a dog to travel alone is to ensure that they are properly trained. Dogs are also rather easy to teach, despite their reputation for being ferocious.

Chihuahuas have a modest amount of energy, enjoy a good nap, and if they’re not napping, they’re typically doing something they’ve been taught to do. So, if your dog is well-trained, you won’t have to be concerned about leaving them for up to eight hours. So it is possible leaving dog home alone overnight if you choose a Chihuahua.

independent small dog breeds - Chihuahua

Shar Pei

The Chinese Shar Pei dog is a rare and old breed. They stand out from the crowd with their aged skin, blue-black tongue, and coat-like breasts. These highly clever dogs are notorious for being independent, distant, and protective of their families from strangers. The Chinese Shar Pei is a smart, elegant, and peaceful dog that can also be alert, making it an excellent watchdog. Because he has a strong protective instinct, this breed should be thoroughly socialized from a young age in order to avoid timidity or overprotection. Shar Pei is one of the best dog breeds that don’t mind being left alone.

Miniature Schnauzer

Each day, the Miniature Schnauzer can be left alone for up to eight hours. Miniatures, although being an outgoing breed with a lot of activity, are not prone to separation anxiety. They were raised to be ratters and guard dogs on farms, so while you’re gone at work, they’ll be protecting the house. They enjoy having a good time. So long as they have a few toys and chew toys to keep them occupied till you return, they’ll be fine. Miniature Schnauzer is also one of the best dogs that can be left alone.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels require less activity and bark less than other spaniels. Take them for walks and pay attention to them while you’re at home to keep them happy. They also get along well with other dogs and children, making them one of the best dog breeds for families.

Shiba Inu

Shibas, despite their fierce loyalty to those who return their love, prefer to pursue their own interests. They must, however, be prepared and thoroughly trained to go it alone, just like other dogs. Shibas are clever dogs, despite their reputation as one of the most difficult breeds to teach. They are quick learners, but they are also stubborn, independent, and insist on doing things their way, so training takes time. Shiba trainers must pay close attention to their dogs’ preferences and create customized training strategies to meet their specific demands. Shibas are also highly curious, so leave traditional toys for them to play with in addition to leaving traditional toys for them to play with.


If you are looking for dogs that can be left alone at home, you should definitely be aware of Basenji dogs. Basenjis are some of the most independent, confident, and cunning dogs around, staying true to their origins as a Pariah dog. Their ingenuity, however, has two sides. It’s what makes them the perfect “stay-at-home dog,” but it may also put them “in the doghouse” at times.

dog that can be left alone - Basenji

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